If feet had faces, these would be smiling!
The team at ERS are still hard at work distributing the 500 pairs of used shoes collected through La-Hoff School in Klerksdorp and Herzlia Middle School in Cape Town. Team CounterBalance sent 9 large china bags FILLED with shoes up to the trial with the Freedom Challenge organisers in June. Another 200 travelled to the trial from Klerksdorp.
Nicky McLoed kindly sends us regular updates about their progress:
"We took one bage of size 6 shoes up to Belebese village and handed them over to the Headlady, Mme Mahlaphi, who was delighted, and arranged for relevent people in the village to get them. The local herders were really in need, especially with all the snow that has fallen in the area. Size 6 is a very useful size, as it can fit smaller feet of primary school kids (4 and up) as well as most women and teenagers. The response from the Headlady, when I explained where the shoes came from, was first disbelief (that you crazy people rode so far on unicycles!) and then very sincere. She repeated many times – may God bless you for your love".
Enviromental and Rural Solutions will deliver another mixed bag of sizes on their next visit. Nicky extends a HUGE ENORMOUS THANK YOU to everyone involved.