Send Off Party 21/11/2010



Holidays are soon upon us.  A time to relax, visit old friends, be irresponsible, see family, socialise, do nothing, do anything.  Well, not for us unicyclists.  We have a task ahead, which involves not being around for the entire holiday.

As such, we’ll be having a little farewell party the Sunday before the tour starts (21 November 2010).  Come and cram 6 weeks of socialising in then! The Cronje Family of 14 Van Riebeeck Str, Bothasig, will be providing mountains of delicious, homemade pizza cooked up in a genuine wood fired pizza oven.  Expect Jewish-mother-type quantities and variety, freely available from 12 to 6pm.

Drinks are your own indaba, what we can offer is some deliciously refreshing BOS Ice Tea.  We aren’t planning a booze-up, but please come through for a relaxing afternoon.  Drop in anytime, for as long as you want, with the spouse or harem (if that’s how you roll).  Please let us know if you are coming through so that Mrs. Cronje knows more or less how many people to over-cater for.  Feel free to leave Christmas presents for the team, or money to buy a kid a pair of shoes for Christmas.  Ja, rather do that.  Any presents that you were going to give to the team, rather convert that into cash to help us reach our goal of 2000 pairs of shoes.


So here are the details again:

Date:  Sunday, 21 November 2010

Place:  14 Van Riebeeck Str, Bothasig

Time:  12:00 – 18:00

Provided:  Pizzas, salads, rolls, popcorn, tap water.

Bring:  Your own booze, happiness, good vibes and energy.

RSVP:  Any Team CounterBalance member, or


Looking forward to seeing you all there.  Remember, this will be the last you’ll see us before 2011.  Maybe forever.  I mean this is Africa after all.

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